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Smoking Dugout - The All-in-One Solution for Every Herb Smoker!

Modern problems require modern solutions. Right? A smoking dugout will be your new best friend holding all your smoking tools in one place.

When you are always on the go, you need a travel buddy who saves you from the hassle of carrying a cumbersome pipe or your dry herb. A smoking dugout is an ultimate solution to free you from all these annoying struggles.

Smoking dugout is a box and comes in many different materials like wood, acrylic, plastic, stone, resin, silicone, glass etc. It keeps the dry herbs secure and is for people who want to smoke herbs with zero hassle.


A dugout is about 3 to 6 inches in height that carries one-hitter, a tool for cleaning, and a compartment for keeping the ground herb. You can find a dugout in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Once opened, you will find the following three things/compartments in the dugout:


The first compartment stores the one-hitter pipe in it. This space is also called the “bat.” The one-hitter is a straight and narrow pipe designed for inhalation in a single go.

The dugout

The next compartment is competitively a larger one. This chamber stores the dry herbs. 

The Tools

Most smoking dugouts come with an additional cleaning tool or packing tool. 

HOW TO USE a Smoking Dugout

Are you new to this cool smoking accessory? No worries! Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to use a smoking dugout.


The first and most crucial step is to bring your dry herb into a ground state. This step is not necessary but is highly recommended for the best smoking results. Use a herb grinder to grind the herbs into fine grounds.


The next step is to put the ground herb into the dugout. You can ideally add all the herb into the compartment with the help of paper or a card. Fold the paper or the card in half. Now place the herb on the paper while it is creased. Angle down the paper into the compartment and fill it until it is full. You can press in the herb to fit in more, but don’t overpress it, or you will have difficulty taking it out. 


Once the compartment is full, now is the time for you to give one-hitter a shot. One-hitters have a hollow capacity on the top end. Place the pipe in the dugout compartment upside down. 

Now gently press it down while twisting the pipe. Make sure the dry herb is getting in the pipe. Keep pressing the dry herb, so it feels tight but does not overfill. Don’t worry about giving the perfect shot on your first try. It takes practice. You’ll learn the trick with time.  


Now comes the step you have been waiting for all along. LIGHT IT UP! Inhale the smoke slowly. If it is your first time using it, you need to take it real slow, or you might end up with ash in your mouth. Even if that happens, there’s nothing to worry about. Some practice will make you a perfect one-hit inhaler. 

You can inhale two to three times. It works best with one inhale, as the name suggests "one hitter", but taking your chance and trying what fits you best will make you a pro. When it is cached completely, you can head on to cleaning the one-hitter.


To clean the one-hitter, gently tap it on a hard surface and blow the ash out, as long as your one hitter is metal and not glass. The ash particles are fine and can stick to the pipe. 

Make sure to clean the pipe after every hit, or else the resin will start to build up inside the one-hitter, and it will get difficult to clean afterward.


Here are three extra tips to ensure a good smoke every time you use the dugout. 

  • Never put in the dry herb as it is. Always grind it first and then add the grounded herbs to the dugout. Using a dugout is all about creating an easy setting for yourself. 

And if you put the dry herbs as such, you will have to grind them with your hands when about to smoke. That can get pretty messy if you are on the go. So never forget to grind first.

  • Deep clean the one-hitter after some time. It is crucial to clean the pipe after every use. But despite all the cleaning, some particles still settle in the one-hitter. Make sure to deep clean it after every while. 

For a deep clean, soak the one-hitter in hot water mixed with alcohol. Let it sit for a minimum of 10 minutes, and then clean it with a Q-tip. Your one-hitter will be good as new.


The reason you are reading about dugouts is that you want one. If you’re having second thoughts about it, do not consider them anymore. I guarantee this will be a purchase you’ll always cherish. If you are looking for the best one hitter dugout, White Rhino has you covered

Dugout will save you a lot of time and keep your hands clean of the stickiness from touching the herbs. With its easy-to-use one-hitter method